The Expansive and Invitational Gospel

By Scott Sund - 5/5/2024

The story of the Gospel’s spread in Acts 8 makes it one of the most encouraging chapters in the Bible. From the chaos of Stephen’s death, the first Christians are spread out from Jerusalem away from safety and into their mission of spreading the Gospel. This chapter centers the work of the Holy Spirit in the book of Acts in the ministry of Philip. However, in two case studies in Acts 8, we will receive a warning and a celebration, both inherent in the ministry of the Holy Spirit: I. The expansiveness of God’s invitation, II. Case Study 1: Warning – don’t try to control what only God can lead, III. Case Study 2: Celebration – from radical trust comes incredible testimony.


Series Date: 4/7/2024 - 5/12/2024

Series Summary: A spark can either be a small fiery particle that quickly burns out as it has nothing to share its fire and energy with or it can be the beginning of what will turn into a roaring blaze- metaphorically or actually. The book of Acts is packed with sparks that tell the story of the church- how God’s Kingdom arrived here on earth as it is in heaven.
