East of (Renewed) Eden

By John Wayne Seitzler - 7/28/2024

We are hearing whispers of a renewed Eden where heaven will finally meet earth, the curse will be reversed, God will once again dwell with humanity, and the land will be renewed. God is inviting each one of us to take part in this renovating of the land as tailors of hope, clothing the earth in redemption: I. Blessings and curse II. All things new III. Tailors of hope

Behold: The Book of Revelation 2024

Series Date: 6/23/2024 - 7/28/2024

Series Summary: Among all the ways that Revelation has been interpreted, from the very beginning of the book, we’re told that first and foremost this book is about Jesus! Every word, image, and passage reveals Jesus in timeless, transcendent, and transformative ways.As we bring our year-long Rooted series to an end, Behold | The Book of Revelation, calls us to embrace a fresh start in Christ— yielding fruit that blesses all creation as we root ourselves in Scripture and allow it to deepen our connection to God.
