ROOTED is an invitation to see Christ's redemptive work throughout the entire arc of scripture. Over the course of the year, Bethany will travel from Genesis to Revelation, studying and reading the Bible together as a community.

Rooted Conversations

Come back for weekly conversations about the Bible reading we are doing together and what we can learn from the text.

Week 6: But Do We Really Need To Read Leviticus?

This week we talk to Pastor Brad about God's progression towards all of humanity through the beginning of Scripture. He walks with us, makes His home near us, then finally makes His home IN us.
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Week 5: What Can We Learn From Genesis About Forgiveness?

Pastor Teylar shares with us the meaningful moments of forgiveness she sees in the closing chapters of Genesis.
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Read or Listen to the Bible from your phone

Recommended translations include NIV and NASB. Newer to reading the Bible? Check out the Message translation.
