Adults with Disabilities Community Group
As an extension of our Belong Ministry, we long to create a space that is inclusive, safe, and a connection point for adults with disabilities to connect over shared experiences. At our gatherings we have lunch and play a game all together. Then, we split into two simultaneous small groups. Small groups are not required, and guests are welcome to participate in lunch and games and leave at 2pm if they'd prefer not to participate in a small group.
If you have questions or would like more information, please contact Amy Wilkinson.
No registration is required, but please contact Amy if you have questions or would like more information before you join.
Volunteer Support
There are one on one volunteers available called peer partners to provide any practical support that would benefit any participants. To let us know you or a dependent would benefit from a peer partner, fill out this brief form, or contact Amy.
Parking & Accessibility
This gathering will take place in a wheelchair-accessible building, with accessible bathrooms.
There is parking available behind the Sanctuary building between 80th and 81st.
We would like to prioritize spaces in our parking lot for those who have the greatest need. If you are able-bodied, please consider parking in the neighborhood or Green Lake Drive nearby.
Stone Ave, between Green Lake Drive and 80th, is available for drop-offs and pick-ups.
1147 N 81st St., Seattle 98103