Northeast Community Meal

First Sundays of the Month | 4:30-6:30pm | Lamb of God Lutheran | Ages 6+

Through our community meal, we seek to create space where connection can happen between the church and our surrounding neighbors while meeting a practical need. As one church body, Bethany Northeast is thankful to partner alongside other local churches in this ministry opportunity. Come enjoy a meal, make a new friend, and share in God's love.

Join us on Sunday evenings to help setup and serve food to our guests, share in conversation and food together, and clean up after.

You can also serve this ministry by helping with Food Prep Parties on Sunday mornings at Bethany Northeast from 11am-1pm.

Northeast Campus

Vanessa Carrigan

Lamb of God Lutheran Church

Date / Time
The 1st Sunday of every month at 4:30 PM Register
Add to Calendar 03/02/2025 04:30 PM America/Los_Angeles Northeast Community Meal

First Sundays of the Month | 4:30-6:30pm | Lamb of God Lutheran | Ages 6+

Through our community meal, we seek to create space where connection can happen between the church and our surrounding neighbors while meeting a practical need. As one church body, Bethany Northeast is thankful to partner alongside other local churches in this ministry opportunity. Come enjoy a meal, make a new friend, and share in God's love.

Join us on Sunday evenings to help setup and serve food to our guests, share in conversation and food together, and clean up after.

You can also serve this ministry by helping with Food Prep Parties on Sunday mornings at Bethany Northeast from 11am-1pm.

Lamb of God Lutheran Church