Coming soon!
Spend a day & a half working on the most important design project of all: your life.
Designing Your Life is a hands-on workshop that helps provide: clarity regarding where you are right now, new designs for balance and energy, new ways to frame problems you’ve been trying to solve for a while, insights on how to hone your decision making, and three possible future paths – Odyssey Plans – for your life. This life design (TM) method was popularized by the New York Times bestseller, Designing Your Life, How to Build a Well-Lived, Joyful Life.
In our workshop we will build and engage a supportive community to:
• Explore the social narrative & challenge dysfunctional beliefs that get in the way of thriving.
• Define what work and life mean to you and how they can be integrated to increase flourishing.
• Explore your past roles and consider what you need in a role to be challenged and fulfilled.
• Design the balance and energy you need to fuel your life.
• Work on the problems you’ve been trying to solve by reframing them and engaging the community in
ideation on your problem.
• Envision three potential future lives and learn how to prototype the parts of these lives that are most
compelling to you.
• Hone your decision-making process, tuning into the wisdom of multiple ways of knowing.
• Create an action plan for real change
• Reframe networking and make the connections needed to make progress on your action plan
• Pre-Workshop
• Write and reflect on your work and life views
• Consider where you’re stuck
• Saturday Breakfast
• Saturday Lunch
• Sunday Breakfast
Cost: $399
For more information and to get an overview of the content, check out co-author Bill Burnett’s Ted Talk!
© DYL Group, Evans-Burnett LLC, All rights reserved.
The Bethany Fellows Program is a rigorous, fruitful time of community building and learning. This program is currently on-hold due to COVID.
A lot of our lives is spent at work and if you find yourself thinking about what’s next at the company you’re at, changing careers entirely, unhappy where you currently are, trying to find your place in a job you love, or just want to develop spiritually and in your leadership, join us for the Bethany Fellows program, beginning Fall 2020.
Similar to an Executive Leadership program, this heavily theologically-based program is for Christian professionals looking for vocational discernment, who want to embrace how the Gospel can transform their ability to thrive in the workplace and ultimately empower them to flourish in their career aspirations. In the five years we’ve been doing this, we’ve seen the long-term impact on careers and present job satisfaction is significant.
The Bethany Fellows program includes daily devotionals, weekly readings and meetings with a community of Christian professionals, Saturday gatherings, and retreats that are focused on personal reflection and spiritual formation. Our typical class is comprised of people working in a variety of fields, and an ideal candidate demonstrates a commitment to participation, a desire for spiritual growth and an interest in impacting the workplace in the Pacific Northwest.
To learn more specific details about the Bethany Fellows program, or to discern whether this is right for you, please email us with any questions or reservations about joining the program.