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Sermon Reflection Questions


The 2020 Advent Devotional is here!

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The 2020 Advent Devotional was created in tandem with a special Advent Box containing materials to complete each activity/practice at the beginning of the week. However, if you did not receive a box, most of the activities can be recreated with items from around your house or neighborhood! We look forward to celebrating this season of hope and expectation with you—share your photos on social media and tag us along the way @bethanygreenlake!

Ephesians 1:17–23; Matthew 11:28–30

Small Group Sermon Discussion Resources

May 1, 2022

You Are Invited

Ephesians 1:17–23, Matthew 11:28–30

Scott Sund, Bethany Senior Pastor

You are invited. . . 

I. To see Jesus in new ways 

II. To embody transformation from brokenness to wholeness 

III. To experience a new community of unity


Discussion Questions 

Before questions, attempt to give the group a bit of a summary of the main points of the sermon and then choose a few questions that fit your group’s needs and style. We don’t intend for you to use all of these. Three to five questions may be a good number.

Begin by reading Ephesians 1:17–23 and Matthew 11:28–30 aloud, taking turns reading the passages. 

Pray over the group before beginning discussion.

What was the best invitation you ever received?

What has growth meant to you as a follower of Christ?

Where do you see brokenness in the world right now, or more vulnerably, in your own life?

Looking at an image of the Kintsugi pottery, and knowing that God is the master potter, what thoughts come up for you and your own life? 

When was the last time you reflected on how enormously your story matters to God? What does that stir up in you?

What stories in Scripture come to mind of God inviting people from brokenness to wholeness?

How do you typically look for God? What new way might He be inviting you into?

Question of the week: How is God inviting you to wholeness?  

Question of the week: What is your next step?