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Sermon Reflection Questions


The 2020 Advent Devotional is here!

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The 2020 Advent Devotional was created in tandem with a special Advent Box containing materials to complete each activity/practice at the beginning of the week. However, if you did not receive a box, most of the activities can be recreated with items from around your house or neighborhood! We look forward to celebrating this season of hope and expectation with you—share your photos on social media and tag us along the way @bethanygreenlake!

Seasons: The Other Miracle
John 21
Richard Dahlstrom, Senior Pastor,

Peter’s restoration story in John 21 is miraculous. It shatters our conventional wisdom regarding failure and loss. Instead of destructive judgement, Jesus invites us to live on the ground of grace and the obedience of faith, and to enter fully into the story of hope God will write in the world.

I. Context: Peter’s Problem (v3, v21)

II. The Plan
     A. Provision & Providence
     B. Invitation to Participation

III. The Prophecy (v18-19)

1. John 21:15-19 is a story following Peter's failure. Begin by sharing a time when you failed another person or felt like you failed God.

2. When Peter fails as a disciple, he defaults to what he can do (fishing!) in order to feel secure in his identity.
     a. What default identity do you turn to for comfort and meaning when you feel discouraged?
     b. How have these default identities worked out for you? How have they left you wanting?

3. Peter falls into the comparison trap (John 21:20-21).
     a. Why is the comparison trap particularly corrosive?
     b. Why are we tempted to compare ourselves to others?

4. Read the exchange between Jesus & Peter (Simon) in Luke 5:1-11. Looking at both Luke 5 & John 21, how do we see the provision of God's presence in Jesus' relationship with Peter?

5. When Jesus asks Peter "Do you love me?" he uses the word, "agape" which implies unconditional and self-sacrificial love. Peter responds by saying "I love you" using the greek word "Philia" which implies affection and friendship.
     a. Why does Peter use a different word?
     b. What does this tell us about the relational dynamic between Peter and Jesus?

6. How do you think Peter expected Jesus to respond when they met on the shore? Put yourself in Peter's position. Having denied Jesus three times, how would you feel walking towards Jesus? What would you expect him to say?

7. Richard said on Sunday, "Our biggest problem isn't our failure, our biggest problem is our feelings of shame and unworthiness that causes us to pull ourselves out of God's story."
     a. Do you agree with this statement?
     b. What impact have feelings of shame and unworthiness had on your story?

8. How does Peter's story offer us hope in our own journey with Christ?