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Wise & Wonderful Seniors at Bethany

If you are age 55–105, Bethany’s Wise & Wonderful ministry is for you! On the third Saturday of each month, we gather for a potluck meal, which provides an opportunity to experience fellowship, grow relationships, and build community for God’s glory. If you are NOT over 55 but are interested in interacting with and learning from those who are, consider joining us for our monthly meals! It's a great intergenerational opportunity, and friends of all ages are welcome. Questions? Email Kyara Hartman, and watch for information about upcoming events in the Sunday bulletins!

Monthly Meals

During this time of COVID and for the safety of all participants, our monthly meals have been postponed. We will offer updated information regarding meetings once we are able to meet safely again.

Once a month, members of the Wise & Wonderful community come together for a time of casual conversation, fellowship, and a shared meal. Generally, we meet at Bethany at 10am for brunch on the third Saturdays of each month.

The main dish is provided, and those attending bring a side dish to share. Feel free to drop in, stay for brunch, and make some new connections. Setup begins 30 minutes before the start time, and anyone is welcome (and encouraged) to come at that time. Questions? Email Kyara Hartman.


Mentoring is a beautiful opportunity to step into our call to be the church as Christ's body (Ephesians 4:11-16). As a church, God has designed our lives to be woven together. Having a mentor to walk alongside us in our faith journey can have an eternal impact whether the relationship carries for a few weeks, months, or continues through a lifelong friendship!

Finding A Mentor

We all know that life doesn’t stop when you hit “retirement age”. This is why being mentored does not have an age limit either! Being a follower of Christ means that we are disciples; lifelong learners being shaped daily. Don’t let your age keep you being poured into through a mentoring relationship!

Most thriving mentor relationships happen naturally and are mentee-driven. This is why Bethany’s approach to starting a mentoring relationship is “Name it, Frame it, Find it, and Follow Through”. Follow this link to be guided through finding a mentor. If you find yourself stuck in the process or have any questions, email Petra Malekzadeh at 

Being A Mentor

If you are interested in walking alongside others, sign up to be a mentor! Your story, no matter how small you think it is, is a gift to others. God uses the body of Christ as a walking, talking, testimony to His goodness.

Filling out this google form will not automatically commit you to a mentoring relationship. You will always be contacted by a staff member before a potential mentee is connected with you.