Welcome friends!
We are led by the Holy Spirit to love, inspire, and equip children, youth, and families to follow and be transformed by Christ… this is what drives our ministry and desire to connect students to each other and to God. To learn more about our ministry opportunities and ways we can become connected, contact our Pastor of Youth Ministries,
Nathan Seppi.
Reach is a place to belong, grow, and have fun with an amazing group of people! Each evening we will have a fun activity, worship, teaching, and small groups with our amazing leaders. We are now meeting weekly and scroll down to mark your calendar for events! Contact
Nathan Seppi if you have any questions!

Throughout the Bible, mountains are a place where people go to meet God. Summit is a place for high schoolers everyweek to belong, grow, and meet God with an amazing group of people. Each evening we have worship, teaching, and a small group time here we get to grow in relationship with each other and God, not to mention some time to have fun together as well! Contact Nathan Seppi if you have any questions!