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Sermon Reflection Questions


The 2020 Advent Devotional is here!

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The 2020 Advent Devotional was created in tandem with a special Advent Box containing materials to complete each activity/practice at the beginning of the week. However, if you did not receive a box, most of the activities can be recreated with items from around your house or neighborhood! We look forward to celebrating this season of hope and expectation with you—share your photos on social media and tag us along the way @bethanygreenlake!

(dis)Placed: Words Shape Worlds

James 3:1-12
Abby Odio, Pastor of Teaching and Formation,

Our realities are shaped by the words we speak. In a world where our words travel faster and farther than ever before, it is crucial that we recognize this truth, and consider the wisdom James offers as we seek to be people of blessing in our world.

  • Words create sparks
  • Words bless or curse
  • Words are a window


Discussion Questions

Before questions, attempt to give the group a bit of a summary of the main points of the sermon and then choose a few questions that fit your group’s needs and style. We don’t intend for you to use all of these. Three to five questions may be a good number.

  • Read James 3:1-12 aloud
  • Considering the concept of how as people talk about their life story, they begin to understand themselves better.
  • In what ways have you experienced this?
  • How does having a listening person versus a journal differ?
  • What sort of reality do you see being created by our words? In our community, society; within the last week, the past year?
  • Have you ever received a single word “spark” that changed your reality?
  • Was that a negative or positive experience?
  • What moments in history serve as an example of this as well?
  • What chain reactions are you setting in motion with the words you speak?
  • Recognizing that speaking blessings over curses is not always clear-cut, consider the nuance of discernment.
  • How might we know what to do and when to do it?
  • How do we understand what is blessing and curse when it isn’t so obvious?
  • How often do you own words acknowledge and affirm image of God in another?
  • Pastor Abby challenges us this week to read through the Gospels (Mathew, Mark, Luke or John). Start by reading aloud John 1:1-4
  • Discuss the importance of words in relations to recognizing that “in the beginning was the Word and the word was God.”
  • How do we see God promote life and breath in his acts of creation?
  • How is your soul this week? What do you need for it to be rooted in Christ?
  • Take a moment, unmuting everyone’s microphones and remind each other aloud: “the lord is your rock and redeemer.” Consider adding the practice of telling yourself this throughout the week and report back how that changes what you communicate.
  • How can you make it a goal that every person you interact with this week will be better, will come away blessed in the truest sense of that word, because you’ve spoken to them?